Welcoming the Soul

'The welcoming of the soul' is a beautiful celebration during pregnancy to honour the soul who enters it's physical body. According to several Eastern traditions that takes place around the 120th day after conception, which corresponds to the fourth month of pregnancy. Before that date, the soul is still unaffected by worldly influences, existing only in radiance.

When the soul enters the body, a baby’s subconscious mind and energetic body begins to develop and absorb a multitude of impulses and messages. 

Already in this early stage, the first emotional imprints will be made.

As we all know, the feeling of being welcomed is essentially important to feel loved, carried and supported in life. It is one of the greatest gifts we can offer to each other.

To welcome the Soul, we create a sacred space, encircling the mother with those who are about to play an important role in the life of the one to be born. They can be family members, close friends, or anyone who is connected from the heart. 

In this sacred space, with rituals we send our love, wishes, blessings and intentions to create a welcoming energetic field, to be felt by the one who is about to join us in his or her physical life experience. 

The rituals to welcome the soul are held in the form of a Despacho or a Cacao ceremony, and can be personalised.