Don Justino Apaza Flores
Don Justino Apaza Flores is a Peruvian “Pampamesayoq”, which means “Guardian of the Earth”.
He and his daughter Marisol are part of a long lineage of Paqos shamans, coming from the Qero Nation, one of the last lineages of the Incas. They have transmitted, from generation to generation, ancestral healing and spiritual practices. Their work aims at preserving, maintaining and restoring cosmic balance. To do this, he communicates with the Sacred Spirits of Nature, the Ancestors and the Sacred Spirits of the Cosmos and he relies on the Wisdom of the Heart, with Love.
Following the Inca prophecy, the Paqos Shamans are led to share the knowledge and spiritual practices of their ancestors with Westerners, so that we can all contribute to maintaining balance and harmony in our lives and between the worlds. It is this balance that leads to deep healing and a sacred and joyful life.
Once we understand the position of humanity in the universe and how the universe works, based on the Cosmic Order, we will then begin with our personal healing and alignment with the sacred energies of this planet and the Universe.
Registrations and appointments by telephone