P r a c t i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n
Location - Schilde - Belgium
90 minutes Session - €90
120 minutes Session - €120
Session available worldwide for individuals who are geographically at a distance.
This session includes dialogue with us through a video chat before and after your session. €90
Personalized Healing sessions Rituals and/or Ceremonies in your own home or personal space.
How to Prepare for a Healing
Relaxation before your session can assist your ability to relax deeply and let go during the session. Let us know if there are any concerns, doubts or fears that you may have regarding the session.
There is nothing to worry about as you are always in control and fully present throughout the session (with your eyes closed and laying down mostly).
48 hours before & after No alcohol or caffeine drinks. No recreative drugs.
What to Expect
It typically takes 90 minutes for a standard session or 2 hours for a deep session. There may be a short or long intro talk, depending on your ability to settle into the energy of the session and your need to have questions answered.
Some sessions may require a gentle integration. It can take a few days to work through what has emotionally been released during the healing. Some people feel immediately abundant with vitality, clear headed, present and grounded after a session. Others may go on a bit of an emotional roller-coaster, while they integrate the emotions. Some may go through a process of grief, caused by the removal of heavy energies that they had unconsciously gotten used to carrying with them.
Grounding, earthing, and quiet time to reflect on a long walk at the beach, in the forest or in a park, is always recommended after a session. A good night sleep may also be necessary. Strange dreams may happen as the subconscious processes the changes in energy. You will usually not be told about everything that was removed or the circumstances that caused it, but you may ask.
Also keep an open mind, as for some people it can seem a little weird having a stranger shake a rattle or bang a drum around them, while performing odd rituals.
With loving care,
Valérie & Geert